Things To Do Before Your Laser Hair Removal Begins

Undergoing permanent laser hair removal can make your summer and monsoon months easy as you won’t have to make weekly visits to the salon. Not only will you save your time but a good amount of money as well. But how do you prepare yourself for your laser hair removal appointment?

Unlike waxing, threading, and shaving, laser hair reduction requires a bit of preparation. And for that reason, we have pulled together a list to tell you all the things you should do before your first laser appointment.

Read :- Tips to Take Care of Your Skin After Laser Hair Removal Treatment

1. Avoid sun exposure

Keep your skin away from the sun for at least two weeks before your laser hair removal treatment. Not only can it cause the skin to tan, but severe sunburn and blisters as well. Many skin experts do not prefer to treat patients with even a minor sunburn and ask them to reschedule their appointment. For that reason, make sure to use sunscreen every day and cover your exposed body parts while going out. 

2. Avoid plucking and waxing

The laser hair removal process works by targeting the hair roots and hence, it is crucial to not pluck or wax your hair on the treatment area at least two to four weeks before your first appointment. Your skin specialist might recommend just shaving the area as it leaves the root in place. Your laser removal treatments will be scheduled at an interval of six to eight weeks and during this time, you can shave if needed. 

3. Avoid bleaching

As said before, laser hair removal works by targeting the hair roots. The hair pigment is also found in the root and absorbs the laser light. As a result, it destroys the hair follicles permanently. However, bleaching the hair can alter the pigment and make the overall process much ineffective. For that reason, it is necessary to stop bleaching the hair on the targeted area at least six weeks before the laser hair treatment. 

4. Check your medications

One of the most significant things on your laser checklist should be to discuss your medical history or prescription with our expert. Make sure to inform them of all the medications you are taking at the moment, whether it is oral or topical. Some of their constituents can hamper the hair reduction process and make it less productive, while others can cause skin sensitivity. Once you inform your laser expert, they will adjust your treatment without you having to stop your medications. 

If you are tired of browsing the internet for “best laser hair removal near me” then you are at the right place. Clinic Dermatech is one of the best laser hair removal clinics providing customized services to suit individual needs. Get in touch today to book your first laser appointment. 

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