Getting a hair transplant is certainly no small decision and one must give it enough thought before taking the plunge. It is an elective surgery and so the decision depends entirely on your perspective. 1. We work with what you have Getting a hair transplant is a big confidence booster and definitely gives a more youthful appearance than before. It could appear like magic after the surgery, but the procedure depends on what state your hair is in. Hair transplant involves taking a graft of your own hair (most commonly from the back…Read more …

Hair Transplants – Top 12 Myths that Are Not True!

Today, everyone’s source of information is the internet, especially when it comes to any medical procedure. Along with the ocean of knowledge comes a vast sea of falsehoods and half-baked truths and worse, utter myths that get taken for truth. (Ever heard of the adage ‘Repeat a lie thousand times and it becomes the truth’.) The same is true for Hair Transplants. There are different myths and misconceptions associated with Hair Restoration methods and Hair Transplants. We spoke to Clinic Dermatech, India’s Leading Centre of Skin, Hair and Aesthetic Beauty, to find out…Read more …