Clinic DermatechAbdominal Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty), as it is popularly known, is used to make the abdomen thinner and firmer. It involves the removal of excess, stubborn fat to produce a slender and flatter midsection. Many patients who have experienced extreme weight loss or gone through pregnancy have permanently stretched skin that is resistant to diet and exercise. Such loose or hanging skin is effectively eliminated after a Tummy Tuck surgery.

The decision to have cosmetic surgery is a very personal one. A person can go through a varied gamut of emotions from pre-consultation jitters to post-surgery blues to elation. If you have a ‘big appearance’ date in mind, schedule your visit to Clinic Dermatech six months or a year in advance. Depending on the procedure/s chosen, results can either be immediate or take up to a year to fully show.

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Disclaimer : Results may vary from person to person depending on factors, such as; skin type, skin sensitivity, complexion and follow up of treatment and precautions taken before and after treatment.