Stylish Skin


The skin never lies and it reflects the true internal health of a person. Every woman wants to have a healthy glowing skin, and getting it doesn’t require divine intervention. A soft, supple, glowing skin with porcelain perfection can be easily achieved by following a simple healthy routine. A gleaming skin can be defined in the best way via the three C’s.

Clarity – A blemish-free look, and small pores define the clarity of skin.

Color – A uniform skin tone with a healthy glow, defines skin colour or shape.

Cut – Supple, wrinkle-free and smooth skin defines the last "C" of perfect skin.

The Essential Skincare Regimen

Follow these steps daily to look great, everyday.

Exfoliate – When your skin starts looking dull, dry and congested, it might be time to exfoliate and scrub away the accumulated dead cells. Gentle exfoliation gives your skin an instant glow and radiance.

Cleansing – Cleansing your skin is the first and foremost step in your skin care routine. To keep your face looking as youthful as possible, you need to remove the dirt and grime off your skin by properly cleansing it.

Repair – The kind of treatment that skin requires varies according to skin type or any special requirement. Skin that is prone to blemishes, acne prone or excessively oily in skin requires special repair therapy. Antioxidants will be helpful in getting rid of free radicals, for such sensitive skin types.

Moisturize – To ensure that your skin soft, supple and hydrated include a daily moisturizing routine in your beauty regime. The first step to having glowing skin is making sure that your skin is moisturized.

Protect – It’ll do a lot of good if you shield your skin from the harmful effects of free radicals. Opt for a good sunscreen according to your skin type, to protect it from the harmful effects of UV radiation.

Disclaimer : Results may vary from person to person depending on factors, such as; skin type, skin sensitivity, complexion and follow up of treatment and precautions taken before and after treatment.