Body shaping is not an art neither a skill but a scientific aesthetic which discloses its secret as you read further.
Clinic Dermatech is one of the leading dermatology infirmary states below a list of non-invasive, non-surgical, pain free and 100% effective treatments that help in regaining your lost young look?.

360 degree Science for Body Shaping

Not only your weight management, figure correction or inch loss, it deals in 360 degrees of science for shaping up your body. The quickest and safest method of retrieving your younger look is hence now provided by Clinic Dermatech.
For the first time in India we introduce a technologically proven 360 degree science for body shaping. This complete program espouses an all-inclusive attitude towards weight loss and body shaping. The 360 degree science for body shaping is prudently modified, to ensure you designed solutions as per individual needs. This non-surgical process is undeniably safe, and secure.


Beautytek is a revolutionary procedure that treats slaggy skin and loose flesh hovering out of your body. It yokes the body’s potent mechanisms for self-repair, restoring health and well being at the same time. This procedure enables in giving you a fully transformed reshape. Beautytek is blended with modern technology and customary Chinese medicine.

This German system works with a micro current on acupuncture points along meridian lines. It is totally pain-free and non-invasive procedure that tightens your loose skin.
However, with a combination of latest technologies available in the world, these treatments are scientifically proven and 100% safe.
As part of 360 degree science, Beautytek cures your flabby body in combination with a few other selective therapies:

Radio Frequency (Bipolar)

Radio frequency therapy re-tightens the skin of your face and body, giving it a younger look. All the dilated pores are reduced, facial wrinkles are eliminated and your loose skin gain rejuvenation once again.
On the other hand this techniques if combined with infrared light, straight away delivers onto to skin through a precise thermal heating mechanism, and then the bipolar radio frequency and vacuum-pulsed negative pressure works their part of effective body contouring and sculpting.
Radio frequency therapy
Ultrasonic Cavitation & Galvanic
Another terminology of scientific proven procedure Beautytek is cavitation a biological phenomenon that consists of the formation of pockets of steam within interstitial areas which transfer low frequency ultrasound waves that shrunken the fat cells and improve the metabolism, lymphatic system of your body by tightening your sluggish skin.
The main objective of galvanic therapy is to disperse fluid retention, stimulate blood circulation and encourage lymph circulation and drainage from your body.
Now live your life with confidence and sheer exuberance! The clinically proven procedures at Clinic Dermatech, now unfold its secrets to give you a new birth all over.


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