Hair Thinning: 4 Common Reasons and Treatment

6 out of 10 people struggle with hair loss across the world. Usually, hair thinning is the most obvious manifestation of hair loss in men and women. Along with age, scanty hair is also linked with genetics, hormonal irregularity and even nutritional deficiency. 

The choices of hair loss reversal treatment are plenty, and only a qualified specialist can find the triggers of hair thinning. 

If you are also experiencing sudden unexplained hair loss or thinning and looking for the best hair transplant in Delhigetting in touch with us could be your saving grace.\

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But first, let us tell you what exactly is hair thinning.

Hair thinning is a medical condition that causes a drastic reduction in the volume and thickness of the hair. It is usually witnessed with age, but sometimes, genetics, poor eating habits or undiagnosed underlying conditions such as thyroid dysfunction can also be a trigger for this. 

Losing 5-100 hair strands a day is typical, and you don’t have to be alarmed for it. However, when you start witnessing uncontrolled hair loss, especially across your scalp, then it’s high time to seek professional help immediately. Specialists at Clinic Dermatech are known for providing top hair transplants in India after thorough scalp assessment and individual case studies.

Causes of hair thinning

To an extent, hair loss is normal. However, consistently losing hair in patches can contribute to receding hairline and cause hair thinning. Ageing and other triggers cause the hair follicles to decay, reducing their capacity to grow hair. 

Also Read:- 4 Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Treatments For Men

1. Male or female pattern baldness

Medically known as androgenetic alopecia, this type of hair loss is associated with a genetic predisposition. This condition can affect men more than women and increases with age. Male pattern baldness can start showing symptoms from the mid to late 20s. Female pattern baldness usually affects women in their menopause. While men experience receding hairline as a result of this condition, women can experience hair thinning around the crown. 

2. Alopecia areata

Another common cause of hair thinning is alopecia areata. While the symptoms can start with gradual thinning, this condition can cause hair loss in patches on the scalp. Alopecia areata can also affect the hair follicles in the eyebrows and facial hair. Environmental factors, as well as genetic predisposition, can contribute to this condition. 

3. Stress

Stress is another primary cause of hair thinning. It can cause a condition called telogen effluvium, where the follicles arrest the hair growth in the telogen phase, which can cause the hair to fall out eventually. If you are experiencing stress and anxiety, it is a wise choice to visit Clinic Dermatech, awarded one of the best among the top 10 hair transplant clinics in India

4. Poor diet

Nutrient deficiency is a critical factor behind hair loss and thinning. Your body needs protein for substantial hair generation and maintenance. If you are not eating a healthy and balanced diet, you may experience vitamin or protein deficiency which ultimately causes hair thinning. Malnutrition can cause your hair follicles to grow weak and enable the shafts to fall off easily. For that reason, focusing on your diet is crucial. Along with protein, vitamin D is also essential for your hair health as it stimulates the hair follicles. 

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Hair regrowth for anyone is possible. If the hair is thinning due to external and manageable factors, proper treatment can enhance the quality of your hair. At Clinic Dermatech, we suggest you seek professional consultation first. Blindly treating the condition without knowing the triggers won’t bear any results. We are the best hair transplant clinic in Delhi delivering the most affordable and successful hair transplant in Delhi

Get in touch with us today to avail of free consultation and more!
