How Can You Look 10 Years Younger?

How Can You Look 10 Years Younger?

Ageing is a natural process, and everyone must go through it. However, it can reduce the confidence of some people who want to look as young as they once did. Worry not. We are here to help! Although it may sound offbeat, the skincare industry is growing incredibly. Experts have developed a variety of treatments to give you younger-looking skin. Today, you can easily get in touch with a dermatologist to target any imperfection on your skin, from acne to precancerous growths. Now you can bid goodbye to your days of using only…Read more …

Cosmetic Surgeries for Men Become Increasingly Popular

Cosmetic Procedures for men are increasingly becoming popular with the numbers steadily going up in the past years. It is believed that more and more men are increasingly becoming comfortable with the idea of not only maintaining but also improving their appearances through cosmetic procedures - both surgical as well as non-surgical. With increased lifespan and enhanced lifestyles, the average executive is now living longer, working for more years pushing past the accepted age of retirement, leading a more active and healthier life and thus wants to look younger for a longer time…Read more …

How do Injectable Fillers Reduce the Signs of Ageing?

We all hear about skin ageing on a daily basis. Outdoor advertisements talk about how the skin loses collagen as we age. We visit a mall and the lady at the beauty counter might just point out the sun damaged skin or how we are likely to develop lip lines in the future. Magazines are no better as we are shown diagrams of the epidermis in various stages of dullness, sagging, spotting and wrinkling. Then there are the helpful suggestions of friends, the school gate moms, the yoga girls and the kitty friends.…Read more …

Take Control of Your Wrinkles and Skincare

Ever wondered at the 25th school reunion as to how one person manages to look so young that he or she will be mistaken for a college kid while the next person is looking like a grandmother or grandfather. One will have the complexion and glow of a fresh dewy rose while the other one will be so wrinkly and gnarly. It is not all to do with good skincare - that is for sure. What Causes Wrinkles? The Cosmetic Dermatologists at Clinic Dermatech listed for us the factors that lead to increased…Read more …

Anti-Aging Process At Clinic Dermatech To Help You Nurture and Restore Natural Beauty

As age catches up, signs of aging such as fine lines, crows feet, uneven skin tone and withered skin starts appearing. When we are in our twenties, our body imparts a youthful glow and the skin looks supple and soft. However, as we approach our thirties, the skin starts losing its elasticity and natural beauty because of the constant exposure to extreme climatic conditions and harsh chemicals often found in variety of cosmetics used over a longer period of time. With growing years, the number of skin problems also starts multiplying. Sun spots,…Read more …

Anti Ageing Skin Care Treatment to Help You Stay Young For Long

None of us want to have fine lines, wrinkles and ageing skin but the reality is as we grow old and approach our thirties, the skin also starts losing its elasticity and suppleness as it once used to possess. Rough and withered skin along with crow’s feet and lines around the forehead and other parts of the face starts setting in, thereby making the skin look dull and lack-luster. However, proper anti ageing skin care routine can help one to preserve the glow of the skin and retain the natural beauty for a…Read more …