Bright and Clear Laser Toning: What To Expect?

In recent years, Q-switched laser technology has gained tremendous popularity for its effectiveness in removing brown spots, tattoos, and freckles from the skin without causing any side effects. So much so that the most experienced and renowned dermatologists recommend it to people looking to achieve an even skin tone and texture.

Read on to know more about how it works and what to expect after it. 

What is a Q-switched laser toning treatment?

Q-switched laser toning is an FDA-approved technology that helps correct uneven skin tone, remove freckles, melasma, blemishes and tattoos from the skin. It is a revolutionary technology that uses a high-intensity, concentrated beam of light that breaks down melanin and ink when targeted on the affected areas without damaging the surrounding tissues. 

 Many people think that laser application can cause a burning sensation on sensitive skin. However, that’s not true; you may only feel a little bit of tingling after its application and nothing else. 

Benefits of Q-Switch Laser Toning

The treatment is popular worldwide because it safely grants multiple benefits while having little to no side effects. 

By undergoing Q-switched laser toning treatment, you can get rid of 70-80% percent of the dark spots from anywhere on your body after the prescribed number of sessions. The treatment also rejuvenates the skin and enhances it from deep within, giving you naturally glowing skin. However, the results vary depending on the skin type and health. 

What to expect after the treatment?

During your treatment, you may feel your skin turning a little grey or white for a few minutes. This happens when pigments present in the dark sports start to break down when they absorb the laser energy. People with sensitive or highly pigmented skin may see slight bruising as a result of the treatment. And when that happens, it takes around seven days for the skin to heal properly. The treated area may also get pinkish because of pigmentation getting absorbed deep within the skin tissues. 

At Clinic Dermatech, Bright and Clear laser toning treatment is a lunchtime procedure of 30 minutes so that clients can easily accommodate their fast-paced lifestyle. The procedure is performed by skilled and highly experienced professionals to give you effective results without any pain or side effects. 

With that said, it is better to first learn about laser treatment from a skin specialist to determine the effectiveness of the treatment for your individual skin concerns. So, make sure to visit Clinic Dermatech to book an appointment or call us on 8905320330.

Also Read :- Beauty Tips: Look gorgeous with Laser Toning Treatment
