Health and Beauty Tips Of The Year 2015: Hydrate Your Skin

"Think of your skin as a sponge, when exposed to moisture, it absorbs water and plump up. When dehydrated, it dries out and shrinks" — Bruce Bart, M.D. (Dermatologist)   Your skin is the most exposed part of your body and is prone to dehydration predominantly during winter season. Due to the cold and windy weather the texture of your skin becomes rough and the skin loses its real appearance which makeup also can’t hide, leaving your skin blotchy and sheds the overall personality. Below mentioned are numerous homemade remedies that can help…Read more …

CD – Health Regime For Busy People

Taking good care of one’s health and skin has become a mandate in today’s unhealthy lifestyle where we are exposed to inevitable health hazards and perils. The need for a proper workout schedule and exercise has become even dire owing to the detrimental routine that doesn't allow you to take care of your own health. Our body follows the same pattern of life cycle and obeys every 'Law of Nature' of growth and decay. The first ever signal of a poor health that we face is its effect on our 'Skin'. Our skin…Read more …

Pamper yourself this festive season with Clinic Dermatech

Enjoy the exciting offer! Discover yourself in the midst of darkness, Its festive season! Let the light shine your path of happiness. Diwali is a season when gifts and discount vouchers shower in your bag. Somegive free vouchers with clothing, some giveheavy discounts on automobile; every other product or service waits to relish you with a bunch of massive discount. After all the discounts some or the other way try to beautify you, then why should the real source of metamorphosis lack behind? Don?t worry; it isn?tDiwali Dhamaka sale but more than that!…Read more …

Skin Care for you by Clinic Dermatech

Not only is the face the mirror of your feelings, but skin as well. Your skin is a revealing indicator of how good you feel. Do you remember the last time you broke into tears and the ball of stress shredded your appearance? Not a twist of fate or any coincidence; due to depression, stress and age your vital organs do crumble! Due to the busy schedule you are left with no routine measures and the only layer of your protection gets damaged day by day. The skin and muscles act as the…Read more …

Stay Healthy! Stay Young!

Starting your year with resolutions like “Will shed 10 Kgs” or “Will work out everyday” or even “Will take my Yoga classes seriously” or any other New Year resolution, has now become a mandate in our lives. But how many of us stick stringently to these rules and regulations that we frame to achieve our ‘Dream Body’? As time passes by, we become busy in our daily humdrum routine and tend to forget about any such resolutions. What is to be blamed- our hard-to-change daily routine or the commitment made towards our own…Read more …

Beat The Signs Of Aging

Aging is an inevitable process; it does not mean getting old but instead turning classic. When people get old they wish of becoming young again by turning back the hands of time. You need to understand that aging is not the loss of youth, but the age of new opportunities and strengths. When aging, we need to understand this to age gracefully. Staying young and beautiful forever was believed to be a myth, but with the proper understanding of our skin, we realized that it may be possible. With age, you need to…Read more …

Wellness At Forty With Clinic Dermatech

The blemishes on your cheeks, dark circles around your eyes, brown spots on your skin, emergence of fine lines and wrinkles over your face are signs when you step in your 40's. Your skin starts deranging and the transitional phase exhibits, sings on your skin. Your skin's tone and texture starts changing, from bright and glowing skin it transforms to dull and sluggish. All the healthy glow that you once had in your teens and 20's vanishes. This takes place because of decreased collagen and elastin that breaks down by the sun and…Read more …

Skin Care Starts With Understanding Your Skin

Are you happy with your skin? Well, in today's stressful and polluted times, the answer might be no! Skin Care has become an essential requirement of our daily regime. However, to avoid harm and protect your skin from damage, it is important to identify the skin type and henceforth take up suitable remedies for care. There are 4 major skin types, namely, normal, oily, dry and sensitive. The following characteristics can help you identify your skin type: Normal type: No or few imperfections No severe sensitivity Barely visible pores A radiant complexion Combination…Read more …

Head to Toe Winter Skincare Tips

Winters'one word that sends jitters to our spine with the thought of all the problems and dissatisfaction that it brings to our face and skin. The harsh windy chilled winters leaves most of the skin over the body parts moisture-starved. Everybody stresses about well-being the winter season as it even more forbidding resulting in results in flaking, cracking, even eczema. Other winter problems include cold, flu and ear infection symptoms like a runny nose, scratchy throat, earache and even sinus snowballing during the winter months. Hence to stay in the pink of the…Read more …

Clinic Dermatech’s – Photofacial For Youthful You

Carry a wave of energizing 'Today' Carry the sheds along with you. Left are those, who aren't guided, Be empowered and protect your skin! Are you bashed with criticism every day? Do the phrases like 'sagging skin', 'falling cheeks' and 'loose jawline' depress you? Do you think that the reflection you see in the mirror each morning matches the way you feel? Don't worry! Clinic Dermatech is here to provide you one-solution for all your skin tightening needs. Photo facial is the easiest, painless and expedite solution that safely caters problems like: red…Read more …