There is no substitute to hard work. The healthiest and safest way to lose weight is to follow a healthy diet religiously, along with exercises. Weight loss becomes an uphill task for most people as they tend to compromise on either one. While some people crash diet without exercising, others continue with their unhealthy eating styles while sticking to a work out regime. Exercise and a healthy diet, as opposed to crash diet, have to go hand-in-hand for positive results. But, in spite of all our efforts, fat deposits on some specific areas refuse to go away. The fat deposits in these problem areas are what we commonly refer to as stubborn fats.

Taking into cognizance this distress in umpteen numbers of our customers, we have introduced Cryolipolysis treatment in Delhi-NCR and other cities. This a safe and non-invasive medical procedure trusted by dermatologists. These are conducted in clinics by trained and licensed practitioners.

cryosculpting - freeze stubborn fat

What happens inside the Clinic?

After a careful discussion and examining BMI with the patient about their stubborn-fat areas, lifestyle and diet, we tailor packages along with treatment procedure, to suit them. Our experts, fat loss consultants and dieticians affirms the suitability of the skin type before the process begins, as all skin types need not show similar degree results. This procedure can be applied on tummy, thighs, love handles, side handles, etc. Unwanted fat cells are destroyed with a cooling device that freezes the area. The area is first marked and then suctioned in to the device with vacuum. The equipment stays on for roughly two hours, by which all the fat cells are frozen. The process does not have any side effects, neither does it cause any pain. After an initial discomfort which lasts for barely a couple of minutes, the affected region goes numb.

In case you are worried that it would do something to the skin cells, then fret not. Fat cells die faster than skin cells, the process is over before the skin cells can be harmed in any way. It does not leave any scar or leave dimples on your skin.

But if you are planning to get a Cryolipolysis treatment in Delhi for a special occasion or dress, then you will need to schedule your first sitting before 3-6 months. This is because unlike liposuction, or other body contouring techniques, the results take at least 2-3 weeks to show, by 12 weeks the desired effect shows. This is because it requires some time for the frozen and dead fat cells to be slowly eliminated from the body.

Will you loose weight?

Yes, somewhat. This is not a weight loss procedure, but reducing stubborn fat cells reduces weight somehow. This is for body sculpting, to get stubborn fat from certain areas removed to get the perfect look that you have been working towards. Having said that, you will definitely lose some inches and be able to fit into a smaller dress size. Loosing fat from difficult areas while maintaining your body weight will give you a body which looks it has been carved out.


Is it permanent?

The fat loss is permanent indeed, as the cells first die from the low temperature, post which they are eventually eliminated from the body. But, excessive intake of junk food and carbs will lead to an overall weight gain.

If you still have queries, visit our clinic and talk to our experts in Delhi before deciding whether you want a go at a perfect body.


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